Become Your Own Soul Coach
Find the answers
- How do I overcome the crises in my life?
- How do I deal with feelings?
- How do I deal with challenges in life?
- How do I deal with illness, loss, grief, separation or existential fears?
- Where do I want to go? Is there a meaning? Who am I?
Many people have abandoned themselves to such an extent that they no longer feel themselves, their needs and their way. Thus, an inner emptiness arises and a long search for fulfillment begins.
The adventure begins to return to one’s individuality and at the same time to the connectedness with all that IS.
I bring hidden wounds to the surface as well as hidden potentials. You learn professional ways of solving problems and can apply them with clear awareness. In this way you gain the confidence to work with people, to share their knowledge with you.
This workshop is a wonderfully mix to become creator of your life!
The language of life – Understanding why things are the way they are!
Have you ever wondered why you always attract the same situation in your life? You tell yourself, “It’s going to be different this time!
The outer world reflects what we feel internally. We attract around us that which is within us.
You suffer at work, in partnership or in social settings. You may burnout and/or face the extremes. You want to change your situation or quit, look for a new job, or change your partner as a solution. At first it feels so much better, but in only a short time you realize that you have attracted the same dilemma.
You are in the same recurring pattern and you are going through the same emotional feelings. We find ourselves blaming others. Your frustration grows every time and you build thicker protective walls around yourself to prevent it from happening . You resign. You would like to change the patterns, but you don’t know how.
“When you are conscious, you have the power to act”
You can grow with every challenge and develop further into fulfillment. But this is only possible if you understand what is resonating between you and your outside world. Why do you have recurring patterns that always trigger the same emotions in you? Your mind makes you afraid of the future even though the problem is not yet there. Learn to go through life more consciously and attentively. Identify your unique potential. Identify the connections of injuries that lead to patterns, beliefs, fears, rage or sadness, and other compensation strategies. This allows you to be capable of action at any time, to shape your life, to self-heal, explore your fountain of potential and accept challenges which you can master to reach your fulfillment.
What’s the benefit of Presence & Mindfulness?
“Presence is a vital elixir and the key to intuition and creativity”
- How can I become aware of my presence?
- How can I intensify and express my presence?
Presence means becoming one with the situation. Once you are present, all resistance melts away. We often run through life with resistances. When you are in the moment, nothing can get in your way and energy flows. It needs the openness and connection to your soul and your inner source.
With special presence exercises (energy work, breathing and active moving meditations) you unconsciously discover parts of your personality that are uncertain, parts that put pressure on you or block you. Through this process of becoming aware, a new door will open – the door to becoming authentic being. It’s a great feeling for all participants to be able to stand by themselves as they are. To be authentic and real, vitalizes you and makes you vibrant.
You will experience in partnership and group exercises, time & environment from a new perspective and most importantly, you will begin to experience yourself anew.
Being present is the basis for creativity and intuition. Intuition is “liberated intelligence” which brings beautiful new ideas and joy into your life. A creative person perceives intensive experiences far beyond her senses.
You will strengthen your inner self in order to make decisions out of calmness and clarity. You will stay in your inner center even in stress, at increased work performance, in pressure situations and when dealing with conflicts or issues.
Mindfulness is purely a matter of practice and it can be integrated into the day through daily small exercises. The impact is enormous!
What is a Family Constellation?
Systemic Constellation work is a good opportunity to clarify any issue and challenges you carry with you.
It brings to the surface what is hidden so that you can make a new choice. Hidden items can range from what has been hurt to your valuable personal potential.
The journey of your soul is very old. The soul remembers all experiences made. Many traumatic experiences (e.g. in childhood) have not been processed. This still “frozen energy” in us is a resonating ground and creates similar experiences again and again in our present life. Constellation work is the most intensive possibility to get this frozen energy flowing again. Once energy can flow, recurrent patterns and fears can be integrated . This is essential to heal in order to live a fulfilled, self determined life.
What can I Constellate?
• Clarifying professional situations, discovering new career paths, reorientation and orientation, recognizing creative potential
• Family System (Patterns and feelings you carry unconsciously from your parents and grand parents)
• Feelings (e.g. fear of failure, doubt, existential fears, anger, powerlessness, helplessness, loneliness, fear of loss, guilt, worthlessness, emptiness, loss of meaning, )
• Body constellations (your physical body, mental body (mind), emotional body, your soul, creative body and sexual body)
• Beliefs (I am not good enough, I cannot …, I have no …, I can‘t …, I must …, I will always leave, and much more)
• Partnership problems, financial existential pressure situations, conflicts in the professional environment, problems with children and family
During the workshop you will find new insights, through clarity, awareness and through the comfort of a loving community. You will be seen and welcomed as you are, free of judgement. Exactly where you stand with daily questions and situations, I enable concrete solution steps for the practice. I respects personal boundaries and at the same time I opens long closed doors.
Please contact me for further questions and dates.
Contact: Victoria Hess, mail@victoriahess.com
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