Leadership Training
Let’s Play!
„A clarified, conscious personality is the basic prerequisite for any leader when working with people”
In order to evolve as a leader, it is important to internalize the idea that leadership is fundamentally different from leadership tasks. To be a good leader means to manage tasks and functions competently, but also to possess the human competence, to lead employees holistically with joy, creativity and with meaning. A good leader, therfore, is able to intrinsically motivate his employees to walk the extra mile with passion and strength!
What does a leadership concept and training look like?
In my Leadership Trainings the focus is primarily on the MINDSET. This is because underneath the iceberg and deep within ourselfs, and within the subconscious, lies the hidden parts of fear and beliefs that prevents us from coming into our potential and harnessing our natural power as a leader. When faced with stressful situations, leader often make their decisions based out of fear, anger or helplessness rather than inner certaity. This is particularly the case when they are under pressure to perform or are personally “triggered” by certain people. In these situations, the subconscious takes hold, wherby managers, without knowing it, are thrown off center to help protect themselves, ( otherwise known as the fight, possum or flight mechanism) and decisions are made which are no longer in the interest of the employees and the company goal and culture.
Every manager who claims to be a clarified leader and to be at the servies of the employess and the company is therefore responsible for himself to see which patterns, beliefs and fears take effect so that the complete leadership potential is released. It can be changed when consciousness and devotion are there.
Leadership Trainig ” Lets Play”
Full development of leadership potential
- Development to a leading figure & establishment of own teams
- Personal responsibility & development of a clarified management mentality
- Dealing with and sensitizing the potential for power, but also abuse
- Deals with change: what happens with people and organizations in change and transition and how they can influence their own and others change processes.
- Unveil your Mindset: The potential to unfold & develop into ones´s own power
Reflection – Blind Spot and the Unconscious
- Manipulation as victim and perpetrator in everyday life
Elaboration of personal & collective negative beliefs into positive beliefs
- Elaboration of personal & conflicting beliefs and values underneath your subconscious iceberg
- Which personality traits get us out of the inner center?
Compensation Strategies & Patterns
- Sharpen presence & mindfulness ( Training to a “New State of Consciousness” – From Inner Leading)
Recognizing unconscious needs & unfolding further potential
- Unleashing creativity potential & learn how to build creative teams -> creativity = cosmic intelligence
Communication and Conflict Training ( models, tools & self-reflection )
- The different aspects of communication and messages
- Openness in perception, value-free & message crystallization “Separate the messenger from the message.”
- Illustration of Self and External Perception in a Dialogue
- Transactional analysis
- Communication conflicts & exercises
- Learn the different “I perspectives” and aspects in dialogue and in decisions reflecting
- Conducting value-free employee appraisals and constructive team meetings
- Learning and practicing mindful communication
- Cross-cultural communication & diversity conflict management
Presence & Mindfullnes
In the mindfulness & presence seminars clients experience time & environment from a new perspective and most importantly begin to experience themselves anew. They learn to listen a little more closely, to pause and to decelerate. They strengthen their inner self in order to make decisions out of calmness can make clear decisions and stays in his inner center even in stress, at increased work performance and in pressure situations.
Presence : Theory, Value & Exercises in Everyday Life & Integrating into the Business World
Observe own thinking processes and no longer be trapped and defined by the conditioned mind
Becoming conscious of the voice (“Mindfuck” Every day 90,000 people are given exactly the same thoughts as the day before and thus generate the same reality)
Feel yourself & perceive your presence
Presence out of mind – without thinking conceptual
Leadership in organizational systems
- Leading in new organizational structures (from horizontal to vertical leadership & new community work models)
- Dealing with success, trust, guilt, values, belonging, balance, order and conscience
- Dealing with pressure, conflicts & feelings
- Tools & methods for your own team building & development of a joint vision
- Leadership and teamwork with challenging employees, generational change & diversity
- Recognizing and dealing with burnout & boreout (loss of meaning disease & how to prevent)
- Support through individual coaching & continuos team feedback
Professionally, consciously and clearly I lead and accompany people to the development of their own potentials.
Depending on the client’s needs, the leadership training is individually designed and very practice-oriented over a period of at least 3 months with 1/2 – 2 seminar days per month including individual leadership coaching sessions.
The training can be conducted in English, German, Spanish or French, as required, or at one of your company’s locations worldwide.
Contact: Victoria Hess, mail@victoriahess.com

More topics Leadership & Mindset
Leadership Training Let’s Play! | Team & Leadership Coaching | Burnout & Boreout | Mindfulness and Presence